
After the breach, the most difficult issue is deciding when it was safe enough to come back online.

Let’s work together

Backup and Recovery Assessments

Our consulting engagements focus on resilient backup practices, ensuring that organizations can swiftly recover from cyber incidents. Organizations must be prepared to recover swiftly from incidents. Our consulting approach emphasizes robust backup and recovery assessments to ensure business continuity from testing strategies, restore approaches, encryption and security discussions.

Disaster Recovery


In the face of cyber incidents, an effective Disaster Recovery (DR) strategy is essential. Our consulting approach ensures that organizations can swiftly recover and restore critical systems.

At Brigient, we believe that preparedness today safeguards our clients’ future against unforeseen disruptions.

Tape and Restoration

Provide an assessment and recommendation on managed restoration services before a cyber incident.

Call Center

Communication and helpdesk services to augment your current cyber response capabilities

Ready to discuss your next project?

Let’s Talk About Your Project: Unleash Possibilities, Explore Solutions, and Forge a Brighter Digital Future Together. Contact Us Today!